Research Data Management
Welcome to the Research Data Services (RDS) of the Ruhr University Bochum. We support RUB researchers in all aspects of research data management. Here you will find advice, services, tools, information, and first aid.
Quick start
Wondering about the importance of research data management but only have five minutes? We recommend this video:
If you want to learn about research data management in general and have some spare time, take a look at our Moodle course. There you will find the main RDM topics explained in a simple way.
Wollen Sie lieber mit einem/r Dozent:in interagieren, die/der Ihre Fragen direkt beantwortet, dann schauen Sie in unser Schulungsprogramm. Wir bieten sowohl Grundlagenschulungen an, in denen wir Ihnen einen Überblick über die verschiedenen Aspekte des FDM geben, als auch Vertiefungsveranstaltungen, in denen wir spezifische Themen des FDM behandeln.
Whether you're feeling completely lost in the topic or, conversely, have specific questions, we're here to assist you.
The rectorate of RUB adopted guidelines on research data management on January 23, 2018. Download: guidelines in PDF format (here english version from April 18, 2023)
What is RDM?
Research data management Research Data Management encompasses a range of methods for organizing, documenting, and preserving all data used or generated in a research process. RDM is aimed at all disciplines and covers various types of research data. RDM ensures sustainable access, reuse, reproducibility, and quality of all data that forms the basis of successful research.