RDM Curriculum of the UA Ruhr

The research data management curriculum of the University Alliance Ruhr offers regular basic training courses on research data management. These are intended to give participants an overview of the various aspects of research data management with a focus on practical application in everyday research.

Advanced training courses  are also offered for the various aspects of research data management - immersing in the depths of a topic. Depending on the topic, the training courses are combined with a hands-on workshop on the use of a specific tool.

As a member of the RUB or the UA Ruhr, you can participate in all programmes as long as no other specification is given in the event description.

You will automatically receive a certificate of attendance after participating in a training course. Please store these safely, as we no longer store the names of the participants once the certificates have been sent out and cannot issue a new certificate if needed. If you have taken part in a basic training course and two events from the in-depth module, you can send us these three certificates of attendance to receive the RDM badge.

If you have any further questions about the RDM curriculum, please contact us at any time: researchdata@rub.de 

basic training courses – event dates and registration 

advanced training courses – event dates and registration

Basic training courses

In our basic training courses, you will learn what a data management plan (DMP) can do for your project work, which information you record in a DMP, and which tools you can use for this. In addition, you will get practical tips on metadata, on how to organize and store your data, and on the possibilities of data publication.

  • Duration: 7 h
  • Location: in person at the RUB or the UDE, as well as online
  • Target group: PhD students, PostDocs, and all interested persons
  • Language: English / German 
  • Number of participants: min. 10, max. 20

We offer the basic training courses cross-disciplinary or with subject-related focus. The subject recommendation and focus are intended to serve as a guide for your choice of event. The event is freely selectable. See which focus fits your subject or your research!

Event dates and registration

Advanced training courses

In our advanced training courses, you will learn about special topics of RDM and how to use (specialized) tools. The events are usually offered online.

  • Duration: ca. 2 h
  • Location: online (prerequisite: camera and microphone)
  • Target group: PhD students, PostDocs, and all interested persons
  • Language: English / German 
  • Number of participants: min. 10, max. 20

Event dates and registration

winter term 2024/2025

  • From Zero to Open Science Hero
    POSTPONED: 07.05.2025

summer term 2025
