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Training courses

RDM Curriculum of the UA Ruhr

The Research Data Management Curriculum of the University Alliance Ruhr offers regular basic courses as well as advanced trainings on RDM for various disciplines in both German and English.

Regardless of whether you are a researcher at Ruhr University Bochum, TU Dortmund, or University of Duisburg-Essen - all training courses are open to you.

You will receive the RDM badge for attending one basic training course and two events from the advanced training courses. Therefore, send us the collected certificates of attendance for the three events.  

If you have any questions about the RDM curriculum and other training programmes, please feel free to contact us at any time!

Further information, an overview of all events and links to registration can be found here:

further training programmes

Das Team der Research Data Services bietet neben den Modulen im FDM-Curriculum weitere Schulungen an und verweist auf weitere hilfreiche Schulungsangebote innerhalb und außerhalb der RUB: 

Selbstlernmaterial FDM

For an introduction to various topics in data management, we have devised a Moodle course. Additionally, we have integrated the course of the Hessian state initiative HeFDI into our Moodle.

FDM in der Reihe „Fit for Funding and How to Transfer“

Research data management in projects – funding requirements and RUB support services

Mo, 31.03.2025, 14:00-15:00 Uhr, Online

In diesem Vortrag erfahren Sie, welche Anforderungen verschiedene Fördermittelorganisationen an den Umgang mit Forschungsdaten stellen, und wie die Research Data Services Sie bei der Planung des strukturierten Umgang mit Ihren Daten unterstützen. 

Die RDS bei „Die RUB stellt sich vor“

Die Kurzveranstaltungsreihe „Die RUB stellt sich vor“ gibt neuen Wissenschaftler:innen, wissenschaftlichen Führungskräften und Wissenschaftsmanager:innen einen Einblick in die verschiedenen Services der RUB.

Di, 29.04.2025, 13:00-14:00 Uhr, Online

Die Research Data Services stellen die Infrastruktur und Services der RUB vor, die Forschende bei der strukturierten Planung und Umsetzung ihres Forschungsdatenmanagements unterstützen.

Research Academy Ruhr

The Research Academy Ruhr (RAR) is the cross-location platform of the University Alliance (UA) Ruhr to support researchers on their career path within and beyond academic research. It offers a divers range of workshops on profile building and career planning for PostDocs. Among other things, the events of the RDM curriculum are also integrated here.

Research School

The RUB Research School is the campus-wide institution to support doctoral and postdoctoral researchers.
The Research School offers an interdisciplinary qualification programme, dedicated consulting, and an internationalisation programme. 

Among other things, the events of the RDM Curriculum are also integrated here.

Center for Research Methods

The Center for Research Methods  supports undergraduate and graduate students from many different faculties in realizing empirical research projects. 

Some of the workshops on offer also address issues that arise when planning structured research data management. For example, students and doctoral candidates are given a practical insight into the anonymisation of qualitative interview data. 
