Tools & Services
Research Data Services (RDS) support you in all aspects of research data management. We are happy to help you with your questions about research data and offer various organisational tools. We also conduct lectures and workshops in different formats for various skill levels.

Save data with ReSeeD
With ReSeeD, we provide a central research data repository for the Ruhr University Bochum.

Data management plans
Research Data Management Organiser (RDMO) is a web tool for documenting and planning your data management and supports you in the creation of data management plans as well as text modules for your funding proposal.

Gitlab is software allowing for version control of your data. With Git, every change to versioned files is logged, making changes traceable.
We offer personalized guidance and assistance in research data management and handling of data for researchers at every stage of their careers and throughout all phases of their research projects.
Training courses
Since winter semester 2023/2024, we have been offering a continuous training program at UA Ruhr level.
Newsletter & Chat
Would you like to be regularly informed about upcoming events and current developments? We offer a newsletter and run an Element channel for this purpose.