Information sessions and events on all aspects of research data management

Love Data Week
Love Data Week is a worlwide celebrated week full of a varied programme on the topics of research data and research data management.
This year's programmes can be found here:

Tag der Forschungsdaten in NRW 2024
The proven concept of this nationwide day of action consists of a joint, cross-location morning programme and local afternoon programmes at the participating universities. The aim of the action day is to sensitise researchers to the topic of RDM and to increase the visibility of RDM by bundling a variety of events.
You can find more information about the entire day's programme on the website of the state initiative
or the RUB specific programme on our Website.

Open Science November
Open Science encompasses many measures and practices to share scientific findings, research steps and results as well as educational materials openly for all.
In November, the current diverse Open Science programme is dedicated to these aspects in the form of coffee lectures, workshops and more.
More information and the entire programme can be found here.
Critical Data Discourses
This ‘Critical Data Discourses’ event series sheds light on the ethical challenges of handling research data, particularly in the context of the FAIR principles and beyond. Topics such as data ethics, fairness, data care work and the CARE Principles, which focus on aspects of fairness and the handling of sensitive data, are adressed. The digital series is aimed at anyone who deals with research data, regardless of their professional background.
More information about the event series can be found on this Website.